???? Real Madrid vs. Barcelona — Transmisión en vivo de la Liga de Campeones Femenina de la UEFA | 22 de marzo de 2022 Suscríbete a DAZN ? Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube ? Sigue nuestros canales sociales ? Instagram: Twitter:
Camisetas AS Roma Actualidad y últimas noticias de Portada Fútbol con La Provincia. Toda la información y última hora de Portada Fútbol.

Hey Lucy you are definately a Real Madrid fanática. Your commentrys go One way only. Madrid. Learn a bit more about football. Colin Málaga.
Hola Melisa; me alegro que estas bien y contenta envuelta en tú salsa; Café, Cultura y Fútbol. Un abrazo cariñoso.
Women's play better than men's. ?
The ref is slept on. She made the right call
Im not a fan of either team and that was not a penalty
Barca isdebeeess…
Let me know :How is Lieke Marten
Nice that what's barcá all about. Love it!
The two ladys doing the commentry Dont know nothing about football. Also IT does not help being Real Madrid fanática fans. Colin Málaga.
Nice that what's barcá all about. Love it!
Hala Madrid!!!
You gotta take into consideration that Barcelona's women club was founded 34 years ago, while Real Madrid's was founded in 2019! ?
For a club that was founded in 2019, factors like, experience and number of games played overall, are not the same.
Barcelona, having been around for so long, will always have an advantage.
So, these matches are not what counts here.
TWO times in ONE week
me rei ggg
Nice that what's barcá all about. Love it!
Tahmek. UrielAntuna. UrielAntuna. MandyRose. AdianezHernandez. JadeCargill. AndyDelort. Randyorton. UrielEstrada. XavierLopezChabelo. Kristalsilva. Tabatajalil. Kaylabraxton. Rossanasalgado. Zelinavega. AndreaMeza. jimenasanchez. BrendaCruzLaABejita. VanessaHupekoten. VanessaClaudio. MayrinVillanueva. ChampionsLeague. Mequetrefes ??️?????
Tahmek. UrielAntuna. UrielAntuna MandyRose. AdianezHernandez. JadeCargill. Randyorton. UrielEstrada. XavierLopezChabelo. Gasperini. ChampionsLeague. Mequetrefes.
El mejor clásico que he visto
Tank your
If this is top level women's football then they have a long long way to go….it's very poor ……and no am not being sexist just an honest opinion of the level………