«Su cerebro es el mejor que he visto…» Thierry Henry dice que Kevin De Bruyne es el fútbol más inteligente que jamás haya visto. Transmita todos los partidos de la UEFA Champions League en vivo en Paramount+:
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Such a deep thinker! No wonder he is Thierry!
In my opinion KDB is the second best midfielder ever behind only Zidane.
KDB can’t do it for country
Let KDB shoot that ball from yesterday 100 times and he will score 90. As soon as i saw that pass from gundogan to KDB i shouted thats a goal. He smashed that ball in from 20 meters and courtois came not even close. Search up for kdb insane long shot goals and he will left you devastated.
Vini jr is better
Kevin is good , he needs to go to Real Madrid , otherwise he will lose what he got now
Kevin de bryune is someone who has mastered his art
He is so damn confident with his skills
The greatest Midfielder of this century according to me
Love love De Bruyne but I still give it to Zidane
Henry is deluded
KDB and Mo Salah are the most enjoyable to watch players.
Lol Modric and Kroos laughing at this


give us more 
Yeah KDB is world class!
I've always said KDB is like a master chess player who can somehow see all the moves ahead of him and picks the right one
Henry saying Kevin is a genius means that he thinks he himself is also a genius because only a genius knows that it takes a genius to recognize a genius.
He's saying that Belgium national sucks so bad they aren't good enough for KDB
Let's make this simple; There are players who won't have ridiculous numbers of assists and goals but they make the entire team play well and effectively. Kevin De Bruyne makes a team attack with a simple visual scan of the pitch.
Kevin has been on fire since Wolfsburg. Used to love watching him in the league
agree with Henry,best brain
Professors to study KDB's brain at Havard and Nsukka
I've said this before, but people still don't quite get why him and Haaland are so scary together- people even keep spouting nonsense about how Haaland only scores so many because De Bruyne is so good with the assists. The fact is, Henry is absolutely right, De Bruyne sees things on a pitch that almost nobody else can see- and Haaland does the same thing. That's why Haaland gets so many tap-ins, or finds himself unmarked so often; hes a genius at reading the pitch, he can be stood in the box and realise that if he moves 6 inches to the left, he'll be more likely to score because of the positions of the other players. So having 2 players who both have that gift- one of them a world class passer and one of them a world class finisher- is why they're so effective, sometimes it's like those two are playing a completely different game to everyone else.
Ya now we know why Pep got him. Henry on the other hand. The man is seeing things and Jamie is just seeing trophies. Micah is always set on comic relief zone.
He was shit but with kdb he'll can flick a switch at any time
KDB hitting the ball as hard as possible at Courtois, almost as if there’s some animosity between them.
De Bruyne have lost so many Champions league games prior that now.
He is now mature and evolve.
This is abit of a reach if you go from mid 2000s back there was loads of players that could pull of genius moments when it was needed the reason k.d. stands out so much now is because of the big lack of palyers with ability now. But at least he's doing it so hats of to him
Genius, he was shocking tonight even though he scored
kevin+pep = lethal combo of football and brains
Extremely similar to Jokic in basketball.
If he played for Madrid or Barça, he would be called an all timer
These half pundits continue talking about their fav players who are even not in the CL
Oh idiots getting shows to make up what they didn't achieve in football totally biased
Kevin DeBrain
I was watching his pre-game analysis on KDB and he mentioned that he can get frustrated on occasion when things don't work out the way he sees them. During the game, Madrid beat their press a few times, but this one time they did and I could see Kevin on the edge of the screen raising his hands in frustration. Next thing you know the ball gets to Karim in a very dangerous area of the box. You usually associate that kind of vision with managers who are on the sideline. Kevin has it on the pitch. Thierry is absolutely spot on with his analysis. I think CBS are lucky to have him tbh.
Xavi Stats 2008/09 (Liga+Copa+UCL main tournament)
52 games
47 starts
10 goals
28 assists
138 key passes
I think I can agree with henry on this one. Thing is, its not kevins brain, Its peps. Kevin is the centerpeice of peps genius systems, the fact hes always got so much space no matter where hes rotated. Kevins just being instructed on what to do in the same positions city create over and over. Atleast thats what i hope hes getting at, if he thinks de bruyne is actually the smartest footballer the sports doomed.
Yeah, very british…Real was much better than the unstoppable british team and they were framed once again. By the way, is still Haaland in Rudiger's pocket?
I think he forgot about Ozil but ok
I love listening to this guy.
Henry analysts is spot on you can work hard train hard do the right things and be a de brunye or a cr7 but Messi xavi bergkamp these guys were blessed natural talent gifted
Kevin is still underrated in my opinion. But it will change when City win the CL in few weeks. Kevin will be the star player. It’s long overdue Kevin, don’t blow this one.
Carra talking about needing trophies to define your career

how many prems you got Carra? Got carried to 1 CL, enough talk about trophies from you pal
The idiots laughing…
Was eine Ehre von so ner Legende

He never mentions Ronaldo cr7
The vision KDB possesses is something from an other world
Alan Shearer greatest player of all time, Come on Magpies