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Camisetas West Ham Información de todo tipo de deporte incluyendo Fútbol Mexicano, Béisbol, NBA, Básquetbol, Fútbol Americano, NFL, Tenis, Boxeo, automovilismo y Golf.

Truly nothing like sport
Bowen goes down as a fuccin legend no doubt
I’m not a huge fan of Robbie Savage as a pundit but can’t bring myself to properly dislike him. He’s just so enthusiastic and passionate about football. Proper fan
Congratulations,West Ham,from a liverpool supporter.Its best thing to happen to English football for years.

.inter Milan
Next …
David Moyes is proving Sir Alex Ferguson’s correctness in appointing him to MU..
Just that Moyes himself needs more time..
Made up for Moyes. Well deserved
Beautiful to watch tbh
West Ham…
De Siervo
Congratulations to west ham from a Atlético madrid's supporter. We dont forget to the british Clattenburg
Real Madrid and Clattenburg corrupts
Two mediocre teams, and the winner was even the worse
Moyes legend club for west ham not MU
Football is a spirit
. What a scene!!!!!
Chelsea won trophies

Arsenal won trophies
Totttenham won trophies
West Ham won trophy
Crystal palase……. ? Your next
Thanks lads.
a dude trying to kiss Rce
West Ham actually won a trophy that Spurs went out in the group stages of not even 2 years ago
West Ham have won a European trophy before Arsenal and very happy for West Ham they are having a shambolic season in the Premier League but in Conference League they have been unbelievable and played like champions from day 1 and thoroughly deserve it they end the conference league with 100% unbeaten run Moyes is now a European champions atlast
İşte takımım sonuna kadar hakettiler
I’ve just seen the video . I must say fair play to Rice.Celebrating with a boy is so special,I’ve never seen a captain and a boy as well before.Fantastic!.

West ham is better than ridiculous tottenham!!

Won the masturbation cup
West ham wins European trophy before Arsenal

Go on moyeeseee hahaha

The Hammers
Mickey Mouse tournament I'd be embarrassed to win it tbh
As a toon fan over the moon for W.H &D.M.
Congratulations Ben Rahma

Moyes is football genius- proofed
2:09 Mike Pence is lovin it !
What is Erik Teg Hag doing there
Roma lost, Fiorentina lost …next Inter ??
Moyes out.
Serie A has 3 teams in every European final this year and potentially all 3 of them could lose.
Fiorentina Manager not happy. Kind if showed a little disrespect storming off after shaking Moyes hand and then arguing with his own player. Support your players, and console them jesus
Good to see that like
Congratulations to the team. Shame about the scummy fans.
Congratulations and all that, but never heard of this cup tbh
As a Liverpool fan, this was fantastic to watch, goes out to those hammers fans that were attacked in Prague, congratulations to everyone connected to West ham
Congrats to West Ham and Moyesy, put a huge smile on my face seeing him celebrating on the pitch. What a guy!
West ham supporters give David Moyes credit, underrated manager. Congratulations David Moyes and family well done
Congratulations from a Manchester United fan.
A club with a history like West Ham United deserved this win.