¡Obtuve una entrada de $0 para la final de la UEFA Champions League 2023 en el Estadio Olímpico Atatürk entre Man City e Inter gracias a @JUSTEAT! ¡Gracias a Joel Mensah por comentar el juego! Míralo aquí: Suscríbete: Sigue a DavidMC Instagram: TikTok: Twitter: ¡Mira más videos! La serie de autógrafos: videos de la Eurocopa 2020: si disfrutaste de mi serie de autógrafos: ¡Suscríbete si disfrutas de mi contenido! #DavidMC #ChampionsLeague #UCL
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Bro looks like julian alvares
and jeytek
oussifootty behind him
bro is the definion of underated, ik you got a lot of subs but you deserve WAY more, and i love how you recreated it in fifa!
David back of your seat. There is ossifooty
I thought you were Julian Alvarez

I love the vid but in the cover you kinda look like Julian Alvarez
6:57 6:57 Oussi and j_tekkz in the backyard
5:31 is that modern goalkeeping?
Davidmc if from Ireland and he just say dollars instead of euros
I understand your pain since your a liverpool fand, but congrats for going there
Oussi football is on the back of David
i saw oussi in the background in the staudtam
Dude, there was a YouTuber behind you
What number did is say when you liked? Mine is 747
david oussifooty was behind you the whole match
How did he not know oussi my guy
@DavidMC please like my comment
5:05 is that OussiFooty in the background?
4:58 a youtuber was right behind him lol
4:51 Oussi footy in the background
There was jterkz and a twin youtuber
why was Oussi football in the back
I love your vids
Oussi was there too