El líder de la bota de oro de la Champions League 2022-23 empató un récord histórico de más goles en un solo juego cuando el Manchester City superó al RB Leipzig. Transmita todos los partidos de la UEFA Champions League en vivo en Paramount+: #ucl #championsleague #manchestercity #erlinghaaland
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Erling is the best
Humble, intelligent, and an incredible mentality in addition to being an excellent player. How to not love him ?
Not only is he humble, talented and hard working, he seems to be also very intelligent, reflected and aware of his game, the outside pressure, Peps expectations etc. He handles it very well and always thinks in a constructive way…
please tell me what 0:18 means^^
nah man they started an event where they collected signs to kick haaland out of the premier league because he is too good
You know you’ve gained Henry’s respect when he decides to remove his glove just to shake his hand
Erling is quite used to 7-0 aha
I don't get what Haaland said at the start
Can anyone explain it to me pls

Greatest Interview Ever !!!!!!!!!!
Others like stupidly undiplomatic
I can't stand That Richards dude he so annoying.
Even Roy Keane can't stand him. Whey are punditing together on sky sports.
Unbelievable Pep took him off after scoring 5 knowing one more goal would break the Champions League record! No way would he have done that to Messi
Smart n humble answer from Haaland
He reminds me of Alexander Ludwig with how he treats others… he may seem like a robot, but he treats others how every human should
Haaland is that kind that didn't even need to hire a PR manager. He can sell his persona very well. Original guy
haaland is already one of the greatest of all time at 22 years old

end carragher on haalands kebab after saying he went to the wrong team. Wish erling would have slagged him off.
Why not?
I absolutely adore him.
his voice is like Uhtred 'the last kingdom'
4:34 – levitating
The best tv show football
What a great interview
Why doesn't that woman get the kettle on while the lads have a chat
haaland clear
i cant believe henry is 45 he looks 25
Haaland is the descendent of that one black guy who left Africa and came to Norway 10,000 years ago
Think she’s thinking of Heavy metal being hair metal bands from the 80s type of thing like Motley Crüe who were known for frat boy type fans (guys who probably like monster trucks)
La classe de Thierry! Il ne peut pas toucher une main sans enlever son gant! RESPECT!
How stupid of Micah Richards to bow…twice. Completely unnecessary and frankly silly.
Needs to visit a barber
Best post match interview I've ever seen

Halaand what a player
What a guy
His Knowledge Of The Game Is Incredible And Its Wonderful To See How He Wants Everyone To Succeed
I see they crossed the ball I was ah I like to be there
, he Saw past we scoring goals with no striker so he was angry 

This guy is my favorite
Micah needs to interview benzema
Henry enjoyed him so much..
Haaland is a nice dude and a beast Stryker..let's go city
Que muchacho este
.. and 3-0 over Bayërn