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People who are here after real Madrid smocked man city in the champions League
Sooo funny Barca fan
We missed NEGREIRA

This bloody shut thought that real madrid would go back to spain but he got his karma hit back to him+this aged well
Who's here after real won their 15th ucl
You are a real joker

Yeah buddy they just won there 15th ucl this year
Here after Real Madrid beat borussia dortmund in the finap
Hala madrid they never loose hala madrid 3-3 who won in penalties madrid who won ucl madrid 2-0 easy win
Madrid won
Madrid won
Man City, Barca, Bayern, Porto, Chelsea=14 UCL
Real Madrid=15 UCL
Who is here in 2030
Ho won the match

This didn't age well
This aged well

Real Madrid already won
And your mama as well
Just cry like a baby 4-3 15

Real Madrid won the whole champions league shut up pessi fans just bark
bro just become a real madrid fan lmao
City lost 2-0
Barcelona fans before real madrid vs man city:

Barcelona fans after real madrid vs man city:
Here after real marid won ucl
that aged well
Someone said lossers complain

Holy yappington of yap i did not order a yapacheno

Barça lost to an oil club

Bro can this guy shut up and stop crying
Here after city lost to Lunin
Madrid won the ucl