Los campeones vencieron al Udinese en el Blue Energy Stadium gracias a una actuación estelar del capitán Lautaro Martínez, que volvió a marcar después de más de cuatro meses | Serie A 2024/25 #Highlights #UdineseInter #SerieA Este es el canal oficial de la Serie A, que ofrece los últimos momentos destacados, entrevistas, noticias y artículos para mantenerte actualizado con todo lo relacionado con el fútbol italiano. ¡Suscríbete al canal aquí! Obtenga más información sobre la Serie A en: Questo è il canale ufficiale della Serie A, dove potrai avere accesso ai momenti salienti, alle interviste, alle notizie e alle funzionalità del momento per rimanere aggiornato sulle ultime novità del campionato. Iscriviti qui al canale! Para más información sobre la Serie A:
Camisetas Ajax de Ámsterdam Información corporativa y noticias relevantes sobre Driblab, la consultora especializada en análisis deportivos especializada en fútbol.

Serie-A admins really hate Inter. Had to wait 21 hours and many fans complained to get them to show extended highlights

I wanna see idzes play for inter
Jackson Donna Jackson Ronald Brown Barbara
Why English?
Lautaro could only score against weak team
Inter Barca arsenal BAYERN Liverpool juve city PSG AC.milan and MADRID(both) MUST win the ucl
il fenomeno, meglio di pirlo perchè difende, si è fatto bruciare in velocità da speedy lucca?
padu Martinez
This is the worst commentator/highlights voice I’ve heard in my life it sounds like he has a lisp. Who selects these commentators and voices. Also the highlight editing has gotten slightly worse there’s a sweet spot of 3-4 minutes for short highlights this 2 minute thing makes it very unsatisfying to watch when there’s barely any room for details and constant clipping
Pelajaran yg bisa d ambil utk timnas saya dr pemain Udinese, saat mencetak gol dlm posisi kalah, ambil bolanya dulu selebrasi kemudian ga usah lama2.
Udinese should sue that gk for the 1st goal they conceded
Saatnya J.Martinez gantikan Sommer.
Sommer kerasukan Handanovic plonga plongo
Give him the ballon d'or already
Udinese , desastrosa defensa

Gol2 lain akan datang dri iL Capitano Martinez 3point penting dikandang lawan Forza Inter Bravo iL Capitano

Some of the defending
Free Palestine

is back

Energetic Thuram
Pertahan inter parah kebibilan 7 gol gmna inzagi
Fratessi like a Striker
Wonderful the perfect striker of inter is back Lautaro is here

Commentator's English is itaaliino
Inter needed that after Milan
the real score is unfortunately 2-1…fake goals does just not really count
Forse sono stato abituato troppo bene con 90° minuto e Controcampo ma a me questi highlights fanno davvero schifo!
Secondo gol dell'inter in fuorigioco
That accent is revolting
I like

Jerseynya keren, top lah.
Welcome back captain lautaro
¡Qué narrador más malo!
Perlu di rotasi kiper inter
A Captain's true performance is back !!!

Si Gemoy akhirnya cetak gol juga, bagus utk meningkatkan Mentalnya sebagai seorang striker..
2 match terakhir inter kebobolan lwt skema diagonal crossing >> heading lawan. Perlu perbaikan di antisipasi bola atas defender dan kiper
Gol inter bolanya berlari sangat pelan