Camisetas ESTADOS UNIDOS Fútbol Noticias de los equipos de fútbol de 1ª y 2ª división, la Champions League y la UEFA, la Copa del Rey y la Selección Española

Camisetas ESTADOS UNIDOS Fútbol Noticias de los equipos de fútbol de 1ª y 2ª división, la Champions League y la UEFA, la Copa del Rey y la Selección Española
Guys, remember: gambling is only bad if you lose.
Bro don't show the highlights of this match, too soon
I'd say "now do Germans broadcasting US sports" but unfortunately that's a bit of a sore topic. Wrestling is probably easily the best (not at all biased take, lol), there straight up isn't any German commentary for the NBA, MLB and basically none for the NHL and what little there is for the NFL is just embarrassing to watch most of the time because it's the most self-glazing commentary imaginable with guys who spent less than a decade in the league as foreign players providing no actual game commentary outside of "oh yea I remember that one time Tom Brady looked at me, that was crazy" or "what they're going to want to do now is score points, that's what we always did, I remember this one time–". So I frankly prefer the incessant gambling and alcohol ads on American TV because at least I get to hear Tony Romo almost say a slur live on national television once every few weeks (this was the real entertainment all along).
this had me laughin hard. gotta love americas enthusiasm
me an Australian who notices this every time he goes to America
Nailed it.
I've tried watching american football but the excessive ad breaks resulted in me opting to go watch paint dry as it's less painful.
Imagine if soccer stopped every time the other team gets the ball and everyone swaps offense and defense teams in, respectively.
Im scared this might be true
Hey we know soccer teams! There’s the Welch Ryan Reynolds!
Time to get drunk and wonder where all your savings went
Gamble till you win! You can't loose!!
Hahaha red and yellow team
The ads during football games seem to be at least 50 percent sports betting in Germany as well, followed by beer. And I just looove the ads that cover part of the field during play.
getting Strolled in soccer!
Best YT shorts channel, period.
It's good you reminded us to drink alcohol. I always forget that!
Lol ESPN has aired a lot of European Soccer/Football over the years. I think they used to have the CL, even.
ESPN honestly covers soccer pretty well.
This IS football
It's the American way
Ads > Entertainment > Sports in that order
I remember that game. Sad day..
The thing I fear the most for the 2026 world cup is the American need for commercials.
People watching soccer in the US is almost as silly as people watching professional wrestling in Germony.
Football isn't a fun sport but it's hell of a lot better than the amarican SHIT they call football
Viewing from America, I swiped away promptly from this video, only to return after a quick glimpse of your channel pic registered something familiar.
To be fair, Cincinnati is a bad example for this sketch since all our other teams are either mediocre or outright suck, FC Cincinnati actually has a pretty solid following
Completely unrealistic, not nearly enough commercials
You’ve done to. Now I have to go watch the 10 minute full highlight video
Baba booey!!
Remember gambling is bad – unless its with the broadcasting channel whose betting site is utilized
For the first time in my life I enjoyed watching soccer.
Shots have been fired. Big shots. Kentucky Ballistics level shots.
2 halves instead of 4 quaters get more ads in
Ah, the days when Lewandowski was still at Dortmund. Seems everybody was at Dortmund at some point or another…
Lol, I hate how accurate it is that the only ad was "you can't lose" sports betting.
A sad BVB makes me happy.
This was so much better than I could have expected
How are they allowed to show ESPN clips unedited? #bababoey
Remember, as they always say: 90% of gamblers quit right before they're about to win big!
They recently made sports betting legal in my country, and these types of commercials drive me nuts
Why is ESPN showing soccer?
That's not an American sport, like football.