¡Play-Off Play-off Play-Off Play-Off de la Liga de Campeones!

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24 comentarios en “¡Play-Off Play-off Play-Off Play-Off de la Liga de Campeones!

  1. @DavidAugustine-lc4cj

    Aston Villa have just signed 4 top quality players in Jan Transfer Window! If those players bed in quick, Villa could shock The World!! Don't forget Unai Emery is a Master at European Football and took "Villarreal" to the Semi of Champs League!!! Villa are the darkest of Dark Horses!! Although Atalanta could be formidable opponents to get past!!😮

  2. @ardiansyahandika9157

    14:14 don't always use balls for vote even there's only 2 balls people can think the rivals has planned (u can make colder ball and hotter ball to decide the rival of club). u can use a six faces dice for 3 odd numbers for odd position. and 3 even numbers for even position. and all will be fair games. thanks

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