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I hate this fucking team
i am pissed that real madrid won ( unfair tho) i am a atletico madrid and a barca fan
unbeleible how good Alvarex was …two chances his teammates didn't pass him in front of the goal
Real Madrid do not deserve to go through, they didn’t do shit the whole game just to go through on penalties, disgraceful
Var in penalty was football hone to
wow, Atletico are really the better Madrid team these past few years. Real really dropped off. Luckily the 12th man handed them their win somehow though.
I’ve never seen something like this in football before
Alvarez should have gotten a re-take on the penalty kick
Even if they allowed Alvarez penalty real madrid still wouldve won cuz atletico players were nervous
Don’t worry Barca will f**k them

Who is the girl in 9:37?
So why so the entire shootout for this one but not Liverpool vs PSG? Get it together DAZN.
Real Madrid always advance with some controversy lmao, still they deserved to go through Atleti's finishing let themselves down
hala madrid!
What in the speed kind of penalty
hala madrid
Que necesidad de tirarse un piscinaso, ese Mbappé es muy cómico, se merece estar en el equipo de los actores

, se tira en toda el área si estuviera fuera del área seguiría jugando 
I couldn't believe that Vinicius Jr. missed a penalty

it's unbelievable 
I know it's hard in today's times to not be aware of the scores even if you didn't watch the game but some of us actually prefer it that way and want to watch the highlights without being spoiled with the score on the thumbnail of the video… I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way, please @DAZN Canada consider removing the score from the videos' thumbnail images
How nice to be such privileged entitled Real Madrid team/city…
Why do I feel like vini lost his skill, I’m changing my profile pic to Mbappé
Muy contento de que perdio el LLORÓN de la liga, atletico es superior. Yo digo el campeonato esta entre barcelona y atletico
DAZN, although you've got great coverage every year, please consider doing better when it comes to highlight edits and thumbnails. The score on the thumbnail of this video made it seem that Atheltico won the game. Having the score on the thumbnail also takes away the feeling of anticipation when watching the highlights. There's also been multiple instances where highlights show a play twice in consecutive order – understandable if AI is used to cut and edit the highlights, but this should be addressed. Thanks for hearing our feedback as viewers.
Mbappe is a piece of shit, just like Vini and Rorygo. They got lucky. Athetico was all over them. Ill take Alvarez over those 3 whiny putas any day.
Can someone tell me wht is tht atleti guy shouting during penalty shootout? So much hotile crazy atmosphere
love atleti fans