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Founded in 1905, Chelsea Football Club is an English professional football club based in Fulham, West London with Stamford Bridge as the home of the club. Competing in the Premier League – the top division of English football, the club has had many successes, winning five Premier League titles. The club won their first major honour, the League championship in 1955, followed by the FA Cup in 1970, their first European honour, the Cup Winners’ Cup in 1971, and became the third English club to win the Club World Cup in 2022.
As the Pride of London, Chelsea FC is one of the most success clubs in terms of overall trophies won. They are the only club to have won all three major European competitions twice and have taken the crown domestically, winning six league titles, eight FA Cups, five League Cups, and four FA Community Shields. Internationally, Chelsea have won the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Europa League, the UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup and the UEFA Super Cup twice each, and the FIFA Club World Cup once since their inception.
The Chelsea YouTube channel provides access to all the build-up, training and behind-the-scenes moments and matchday action along with all the unseen edits and player focus from Reece James, Thiago Silva and Enzo Fernandez to Sam Kerr, Fran Kirby and many more. It’s the only channel where you’ll get an authentic look at this great club including memorable nights with world-class heroes such as Peter Osgood, Gianfranco Zola, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Didier Drogba & Eden Hazard.
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Manchester United – FC København | UEFA Champions League 2023/24 | Highlights and Goals | Match Highlights
#UEFAChampionsLeague #Manchester United #FC København #Manchester UnitedFC København #Highlights
– This video is a gameplay of the Game (eFootball Pes21).
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Manchester United – Galatasaray | UEFA Champions League 2023/24 | Highlights and Goals | Match Highlights
#UEFAChampionsLeague #Manchester United #Galatasaray #Manchester UnitedGalatasaray #Highlights
– This video is a gameplay of the Game (eFootball Pes21).
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Harry Kane joins Kate Adbo, Thierry Henry and Jamie Carragher after Bayern Munich beat Manchester United in their Champions League opener.
Stream every UEFA Champions League match live on Paramount+:
Watch all the extended highlights from the UEFA Champions League HERE:
Watch the epic UCL punditry from Thierry Henry, Micah Richards, and Jamie Carragher HERE:
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