26 comentarios en “UEFA Champions League Round of 16 Draw

  1. @saymyname98

    जिबन को अंतिम उदस्य ultimate purpose हो खुशी हुनु बाँकी सबै बेकार को कुरा हो, हजुर जे पनि गर्नु हुन्छ जस्तैः
    म सोध्छु तपाईं के गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ?
    तपाईं भन्नुहुन्छ सरकारी जागीर खाना चाहन्छु वा अरु जे कोही जुन तपाईं गर्न चहनुहुन्छ
    म सोध्छु किन सरकारी जगिर ?
    तपाईं भनुहुन्छ किनकि जागीर मिल्छ , सुरक्षा मिल्छ ,power मिल्छ।
    तेसो भय power ले के हुन्छ, सुरक्षा ले के हुन्छ ?
    स्न्तुस्टि मिल्छ
    स्न्तुस्टि भएर के हुन्छ ?
    मजा आउँछ
    अ:त last मा आउने भनेको मजा नै हो
    हजुर जे पनि गर्नु हुन्छ ४ अाेटा question सोध्नुस र ५औँ question को answer मा भनुहुन्छ खुशी र अन्त्य मा आउने भनेको मजा नै हो। तेसैले रम्ररी बुझ्नु कि the ultimate purpose of life is to be happy and to remain happy nothing else.

  2. @kwuassisundaynyoamwu5632

    why have squads of 23 to 27 or even 30 players and say that the players are tired. while the coaches limit themselves to 15 or 18 players. the rest of the squad are support players who help the regulars to outperform. it would be interesting for championship matches played during the week to require clubs to field B teams. And for national cups, to field only 7 regulars. And why not limit the number of matches a player can play per season to 35, depending on the number of competitions the club is expected to play. This would reduce injuries and allow a squad to have proportionate playing time.

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